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If you're looking for a holistic, body-oriented approach to trauma recovery then you're in the right place.


The effects of trauma can show up soon after a life or limb-threatening event in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, difficulty concentrating, repetitive and distressing images, thoughts or sensations. This is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Complex trauma (CPTSD) and other types of cultural, generational, racial and interpersonal trauma can show up after years or decades, often triggered by a recent life event. You may experience unsatisfying relationships, low self esteem, low motivation, repeated victimization, anxiety, depression, problems with emotions (including anger), chronic fatigue, unexplained pain, menstrual or fertility issues, sleep problems, digestive disturbances, addictions, eating disorders or self injury. Early trauma (including prenatal and birth trauma) may lead to developmental delays, personality limitations and communication difficulties as well as neurological adaptations.

There are other ways you may have adapted to traumatic events, including dissociation, and the many labels given to different forms of dissociation, including Dissociative Identity Disorder and Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder.

My approach

The good news is you don't have to be stuck anymore. Trauma science and treatment has seen huge developments in the last few decades thanks to the work of people like Dr Stephen Porges, Bessel van der Kolk, Judith Lewis Herman, Peter Levine, Francine Shapiro and Dr Gabor Maté.


I have trained with many of the world's leading experts to create an integrated, flexible approach which allows me to meet a person where they are, provide a clear reflection of their true self and their possibility, offering techniques along the way. Trauma recovery takes place in a therapeutic relationship, not in isolation. I continue to work on myself so that I can show up in the clearest, most compassionate way to facilitate a person's healing.


Below you can read about the different types of therapy I work with. 

“Recovery unfolds in three stages. The central task of the first stage is the establishment of safety. The central task of the second stage is remembrance and mourning. The central focus of the third stage is reconnection with ordinary life.”
― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery


If you would like to read more detail about how I approach the three phases of trauma therapy, you can download the information sheet below.

Looking for therapy?

We are currently full, and only existing clients may book appointments.

As the current waiting list is 18 months+ long, we are no longer accepting new additions to the list. Please visit this page to view our list of recommended therapists. 

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Susi Wrenshaw is registered as a Yoga Therapist with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. The CNHC is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) is the independent government-appointed body that oversees and scrutinises the work of the nine statutory medical, health and care regulators. These include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). Since March 2012 the Professional Standards Authority has also been able to accredit registers of health and care occupations that are not regulated by law and CNHC has successfully completed this process.

“Both the Government and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommend that when a patient or service user chooses to visit a health or care practitioner who is unregulated, only those on an accredited register are consulted”. (Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, November 2015).


General Medical Council guidance to doctors confirms they can refer patients to practitioners on Accredited Registers, such as CNHC.

Information on this website is for information only and is no substitute for medical advice.

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