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Covid-19 measures for face to face appointments



This is to explain the measures I am taking for face to face appointments.


The following is based on the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) COVID-19 guidance for Registrants: Preparing to return to work, 29 May 2020 and updated in accordance with the latest advice.


1. Insurance


My insurance company (Wellbeing Insurance) have confirmed in writing that I am insured to do face to face sessions.


They will continue to insure me for remote appointments.

2. Assessing the risk of reopening


I have carried out a risk assessment for my ways of working. Please ask if you would like further details.


Some of the material changes I have made include:

  • Optional plastic screen to divide client and therapist area

  • Providing chairs that can be cleaned between appointments

  • Providing hand sanitizer

  • Providing single use tissues and a no-touch bin

  • Professional cleaning of the bathroom

  • Washing all towels and cleaning cloths at 60 degrees


I have read and carried out the recommendations in the Government document which was written to help people safely return to work:



3. If you have symptoms


If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, please do not attend your appointment in person.


Check here to read the latest information on Covid-19 symptoms and how to arrange for a test.


You can request a video or telephone appointment.


4. Temperature checks


When you arrive you can choose to use the no-touch thermometer on the wall to take your temperature.


If your temperature is 37.8C or above please return home, follow current Government advice and arrange for a Covid-19 test.

If you test positive you will not be permitted back to the clinic until you are testing negative.

If you test negative you can return to face to face appointments (or after completing any required isolation - whichever is later).


A temperature below 37.8C should not be taken as an indication you do not have Covid-19.


5. Hygiene


To reduce the risk of infection you will be asked to avoid touching items in the building wherever possible.

Face coverings are now optional. Ask if you'd like me to wear one.


You are requested to

  • Not shake hands, hug or make physical contact with me.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water on arrival if you have travelled by public transport.

  • Sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer (min 70% alcohol) upon arrival, however you have travelled to the appointment. Hand sanitizer is available for you in the entrance and in the therapy room.

  • Bring your own pen and notebook. Pens will not be provided.

  • Bring your own water / tea. Refreshments will not be provided.

  • Hang your coat / bag in the therapy room.

  • Sanitize your hands whenever you touch your face covering (if wearing one), including to put it on or take it off.

  • Sanitize your hands at the end of the appointment.

  • Ensure good respiratory hygiene ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach to sneezing and coughs – catch them in a tissue, throw it in the bin straight away, wash or sanitize your hands.


6. Additional cleaning

Surfaces which are regularly touched will be disinfected in between each appointment. Depending on contact, this may include:

  • Client chair

  • Door handles

  • Light switch

  • Card machine

  • Equipment

  • Screen



7. Payments

Pay online wherever possible (PayPal/BACS) instead of using the card machine. If you do need to use it, it will be sanitized before and after use. Cash is not currently accepted.

8. Cancellation due to Covid-19

Cancellation charges are in place.

Cancellation charges will be reinstated from 1st October 2020 (50% fee due for 48 hours notice, 100% fee due for 24 hours notice.)


9. When face to face appointments will not go ahead

Face to face appointments may be changed or cancelled any time up to the appointment time in the following circumstances:

  • I or any member of my household has any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • I am required to self-isolate or quarantine.

  • a client (you) has COVID-19 symptoms.


10. Test and trace

Your details will be held for ‘test and trace’ in accordance with GDPR guidelines. You will be contacted if you need to self-isolate. This is unlikely as these guidelines aim to ensure we are not ‘close contacts’.

References and further information

How to wear a face covering

How to wash your hands


People at higher risk for Covid-19


Working safely during Covid-19

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Susi Wrenshaw is registered as a Yoga Therapist with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. The CNHC is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) is the independent government-appointed body that oversees and scrutinises the work of the nine statutory medical, health and care regulators. These include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). Since March 2012 the Professional Standards Authority has also been able to accredit registers of health and care occupations that are not regulated by law and CNHC has successfully completed this process.

“Both the Government and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommend that when a patient or service user chooses to visit a health or care practitioner who is unregulated, only those on an accredited register are consulted”. (Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, November 2015).


General Medical Council guidance to doctors confirms they can refer patients to practitioners on Accredited Registers, such as CNHC.

Information on this website is for information only and is no substitute for medical advice.

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