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Find out more about getting financial support for my training courses

Here you can read about people who have already benefitted from bursaries and consider whether this might be the right option for you.

Bursaries of up to 100% are available for every course that I run.

I strongly believe that the more people trained in working with trauma, mental health and the body, the better it will be for all of us.

Meet Karen Haydock

(Pictured above, photo used with permission).

I am Karen Haydock and I run Living Yoga where I teach Sensible Yoga and Art both privately and in school settings. I found Trauma Therapy in Manchester through Facebook and wrote to Susi Wrenshaw about her courses. I had completed 350 hours on Teacher Training in Sensible Yoga and wanted to continue find a professional development course that was accredited and had authentic tuition.


In my work life I had not been able to make an income from teaching yoga for over the last 12+ months of the pandemic, a situation many people faced. This had greatly reduced my own ability to attend CPD courses I normally would have attended. I had continued offering free classes of meditation and yoga to groups of children and my colleagues I worked with in my secondary school. I wanted to continue working in this way in my local community and hopefully start earning an income from teaching again.


I asked about the bursary opportunity for the Two Day Trauma Training for Teachers. I knew that I wanted to develop my understanding of trauma also develop ways of working with people in a sensitive and supportive way. After this year it had been highlighted to me in classes how this work was even more relevant. I have never asked for assistance with a bursary before and found the form and questions were simple and straightforward. I really appreciated the emails of confirmation and was surprised and delighted when I was chosen to receive bursary support.


The course was run both professionally and sensitively, handling the teaching of trauma and PTSD and those smaller experiences that were often equally as profound in effect on the nervous system and life.


It has given me confidence to begin expanding the foundation of knowledge I have acquired. I enjoyed learning how to work in an integrated way with the body and the mind in yoga, especially when dealing with mental health.


The course was exactly what I had been looking for and I highly recommend the tuition and the support of applying for the bursary. I am grateful that I now can go on and apply this knowledge in future classes and courses. Thank you Susi.

Meet Emily Katsuno

(Pictured here, photo used with permission).

Susi suggested I apply for the bursary to join the course after I mentioned that I may need to find funding to do further training. Her invitation made me feel encouraged to apply as it's not something I would have necessarily done otherwise. It opened up a space for me to reflect on my financial situation which was really helpful.


As a Mum to two small children I have only been working less than part time and have had to let go of certain opportunities because of this. The bursary felt like such a supportive way to help me expand back into my work in a direction that I want to move into very much. This is the first time I have received a bursary and it was wonderful to be awarded it and gave me a much needed boost of general encouragement.


Being able to join the 11hr Trauma Training for yoga teachers has already greatly impacted my own journey of healing and also how I offer the practice of yoga to others both in my private and group sessions, in a way that I feel truly reflects the space I want to hold. My own personal story leads me to want to hold a space for those who have experienced trauma and who want to take steps to reconnect with their bodies and I now feel inspired to take more steps towards this.


The way that Susi held the group space on zoom with her assistants was a very safe and professional space that created a feeling of connection with other participants which was very uplifting and heartwarming. Key things that I have taken away from this is around creating islands of safety in our bodies and how this connects to the yogic map of the body and how this connects to polyvagal theory. It was really great to have both the yogic and scientific perspective, this helped me connect many dots in my own personal and professional journey. 


I'm happy for you to use my name Emily Katsuno and my website and I've attached a picture. I'm offering weekly classes on zoom called Explorations in Yoga which explore the practice from a place of deep body listening, and also pregnancy yoga. 

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Meet Izzy

(Text used with permission).

I was extremely grateful to have been offered a bursary place for the 2 day trauma training workshop.


Yoga and meditation have been my lifeline to myself for the last 10 years or so.  I have found tremendous strength and resilience throughout the difficult times with this practice and I felt I had reached a point where I wanted to share these experiences with others, especially those suffering with anxiety or depression or just those struggling to function with life in this crazy world.  I recently completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training which was great but I wanted to find out more about yoga for people who may not want to come to a mainstream yoga class.


My work as a holistic massage therapist and reflexologist has been put on hold over the last year due to the pandemic which has been financially challenging for me as a self-employed person.  The fact that there was an opportunity to apply for a subsidised place on this training was such a positive as there is no way I could have paid for this course at this time.  The process to apply was very easy and I feel lucky to have found your training school.


I learned a huge amount from attending your training and it was so well organized and inclusive.  I personally struggle with zoom and most forms of technology to be honest but I felt fully supported throughout and was able to participate and make the most out of it.  It was well structured and delivered clearly in a way that I can immediately incorporate into my teaching techniques.  After completing your training, I feel I have a better understanding of the effects of trauma and I am now much better equipped to hold space for anyone suffering from trauma in their lives whether they are students, clients or friends and I am truly grateful for that.


As restrictions lift I would like to offer community yoga classes for those suffering from anxiety, depression, etc and I will offer these on a donation basis as I truly believe that everyone should have an opportunity to learn some yoga and breathing techniques regardless of their ability to pay. 


Thank you again for an enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable weekend well spent.


Kindest regards



Meet Stephanie

(Text used with permission).

Stephanie is a yoga teacher in North Wales

I recently attended the 2 day Trauma Therapy for Yoga Teachers workshop with Trauma Therapy Manchester. I have to say that I really enjoyed the workshop, and came away from it feeling  very positive , inspired and motivated to learn more. The course was held online , and this did not take  away from the group experience or the quality of teaching. It offered a wealth of information with links to further study, the opportunity to practice and discuss topics in small groups, and it was a very supportive and friendly experience.  There were opportunities for self reflection of my own life experiences, and I was also able to evaluate my teaching methods, noting where improvements can be made in order to help participants who may be struggling within themselves.

I was drawn to the course as I have become very aware of how many people are in need of help mentally and emotionally, and I wanted the tools to be able to help them more appropriately and on a deeper level. Unfortunately, as have many others, I have been impacted by covid 19 on a number of levels and this has included a huge loss of income. I made inquiries about the course, but was unsure as to whether I would be able to join as I didn’t feel that I could fund it. Susi, the course facilitator replied with the possibility of a bursary. I actually felt nervous about this as I haven’t asked for help in the past and have struggled my way through situations. However, my application much to my surprise was granted and I am so grateful at being given the help and support to be able to attend.

I would like to use this opportunity to recommend the course to others. The course alone without further study provides many tools that can be used to adapt teaching methods to help those who may be struggling in some way, enabling you to have a positive impact on their lives. If like me you are having financial difficulty, then just be open and honest about your situation as help is there for you.


Thinking of applying?

Bursaries are available for every course I run.

I have personally had to go through some pretty demeaning, demanding application processes when I have tried to access financial support.

My aim is to make this process straightforward, easy and respectful.

You don't have to provide any financial information, bank statements, proof of benefits of hardship. If you apply then I trust that you need the support. If you can afford to pay for some or all of the course then I'll trust that that's what you'll do. 

It is also my hope that you will offer support to your students or other teachers at some point in your life when you are able to. This could be financial support, time or energy. I also recognise many yoga teachers often give out far more than they get back. Maybe this is a time for you to receive.

All information you provide is confidential and held in line with GDPR regulations.

There are deadlines for bursary applications, applications received after this will not be read.

I look forwards to supporting you in any way I can.

Applications for bursaries, please fill in the relevant form as outlined  below

 100 hour TIY course: please complete this online form

 2 day courses (all) and online Trauma Sensitive Yoga 20hrs course, please download document 2 below and email to


Closing date for Accredited TIY 100 hour course starting Sept 2023: 30/06/2023

Closing date for 2-day courses: 4 weeks before course start date

Applications for the Trauma Sensitive Yoga 20hrs online course will be received on a rolling basis. 

Bursaries will be awarded on a monthly basis. If, for example, you successfully receive a bursary in March this will be to start the course in April. If you are unsuccessful one month, you are welcome to re-apply in another month. 

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Susi Wrenshaw is registered as a Yoga Therapist with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. The CNHC is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) is the independent government-appointed body that oversees and scrutinises the work of the nine statutory medical, health and care regulators. These include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). Since March 2012 the Professional Standards Authority has also been able to accredit registers of health and care occupations that are not regulated by law and CNHC has successfully completed this process.

“Both the Government and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommend that when a patient or service user chooses to visit a health or care practitioner who is unregulated, only those on an accredited register are consulted”. (Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, November 2015).


General Medical Council guidance to doctors confirms they can refer patients to practitioners on Accredited Registers, such as CNHC.

Information on this website is for information only and is no substitute for medical advice.

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